Do you offer Insurance on your products?


Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

Yes, we do offer insurance on our products. As every Honour Him item is valuable, we want there to be adequate protection if something happens in transit. We highly advise that you purchase insurance on highly valued and fragile items. Once the product is out of our manufacturers' hands, there is no responsibility held within the time the item is in transit to you. Many things can happen during this process. An item may be: lost, stolen, or damaged. We've foreseen these issues, and that's why we've tried to make this process as simple and intuitive as possible for you.

If you have a return or exchange request resulting from a defective item, you can visit our Returns Center. If you have purchased insurance along with your order and would like your item to be reshipped, you can make a claim here. Our Insurance Partners will review your case and send a new item to you, if approved.

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